EU Enterprise Zambia Challenge Fund Project

Project overview

In the fourth quarter of 2021, ASBA was awarded a financial grant by the European Union’s Enterprise Zambia Challenge Fund (EZCF); a fund focusing on increased participation of smallholder farmers (SHF) in market-integrated, nutrition-sensitive value chains and improved access to finance, services, and inputs as well as investment opportunities.

ASBA RESOURCES LTD has many years of experience in developing sustainable solutions to make communities more resilient. The organization aims to achieve sustainable growth in agriculture value chains for the improved social and economic welfare of the farmers and agribusiness enterprises by the adoption of access to impact investment, innovative best practices, robust infrastructure and markets.

Through our partners, ASBA RESOURCES LTD will train smallholder farmers in sustainable agriculture practices, these will include good herd management, vegetable tanning leather process and pasture management. ASBA RESOURCES LTD will also train farmers on how to increase their productivity while mitigating the effects of climate change through climate-smart practices.

Establishing efficient production facilities and developing resilient local economies in strategic locations and key markets

Our Stats

ASBA – EZCF project catchment areas are Eastern province, Central province, Western province, and possibly to reach specific areas in Southern province.

Registered Farmers
5,000 +
Cattle Herds
40,000 +
20,000 +

ASBA Projects Zambia

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